主後2000年由教會捐助設立「財團法人新北市私立雙連社會福利慈善事業基金會」,以耶穌基督的愛為基礎,從預防照顧觀點來提供社區與居家服務。有效連結社區資源,以「照顧日常化」與「服務社區化」為原則,配合國家社會福利政策,鼓勵健康長輩社會參與,關懷獨居老人,幫助失能、失智者及弱勢家庭,提供被照顧者專業的長期照顧,以及家屬支持諮詢服務,期盼成為在地居民好幫手。 目前,基金會分別在新北市的三芝與新莊兩區,設置了「雙連北海岸社會福利中心」與「雙連新莊社會福利中心」,並承辦新北市「三芝三和」、「新莊頭前」與「新莊昌平」等三家公共托老中心。 在這些服務據點,我們藉由辦理獨居、失能、身障長者關懷與送餐服務;派遣照顧服務員至家戶進行居家(到宅)照顧服務、家庭照顧者喘息服務與照顧訓練;到宅沐浴車至府進行床邊或床上沐浴服務;為失能、失智長者提供日間照顧、身體復健與短期住宿服務;並安排交通車於社區中進行接送服務;辦理銀髮俱樂部、社區照顧關懷據點課程活動;平衡於「活力、健康、腦力、體力與社會互動」等五大面向間的「樂齡健康活力中心」課程與銀髮族共餐服務等。 教會透過社福基金會,將愛與關懷經由服務帶進民眾家中,與社區居民建立良好關係,並使民眾願意主動走進我們的服務據點、進而走進教會,這是我們辦理社會服務的主要目標。 The SLSWF was established in 2000 by the SLPC. Based on the Love of Jesus Christ and preventive care perspective. We link community resources to build Day-to-day care system and offer services throughout the community. Therefore, we provide care from community to home care. With support from the government, businesses and other organizations, we hope to build on friendly community, care for disadvantaged families. At present, there are two social welfare centers in North coast and Xinzhuanag. In addition, we also contract to three public elderly care centers Of New Taipei City. Throughout those social welfare centers, SLSWF provide diverse and comprehensive services for senior citizens, such as:
Our mission: Through the Social Welfare Foundation, the Church brings love and caring into the homes of the people who needs, because of the Jesus’ Love, establishing good relations with the community residents and making the people willing to take the initiative to enter our social welfare centers and into the church. |